Sunday 13 April 2014

Who shall answer...?

Where were the seeds of tomorrow sown?
Who waters them everyday?
From where these beautiful tales of our presence emerge?
Who writes them everyday?
How you shed particles of emotions from your breathing skin?
What puffs them out of your heart…everyday?
Ohh these magical questions!!!
All answerable…yet mysterious
Ohh ! my curiosity is a coal engine
How you my dear friend will answer?
I am sitting in a room with Mozart
Finding answers in his sonatas
And all those notes debating lower then higher
Well! Music has its way to answer
Beneath the shade of Banyan Tree
Nature bestows “ohh! That peaceful answer”
My eyes open wide into deep tunnel
The whole nature falls into…I close
All full , yet desperate… I ask water
Ohh you restless water!!
It drowns me and answers all
I see blurred but feel transparency
I float equal to its own buoyancy
A stable answer my lungs breathe
A splash and wave and a turn and a twist
Throws me on velvet grass bed
So I shall sleep
Under the “only blue sky”
Neither I ask, never will it answer… I know
Silence we share
I see my giant presence
Falling into one with myself
All incomplete … complete
All questions answered…
And new ones…seeding!